Our specialist medical exams and evaluations fall into two broad categories: medical-legal exams for lawyers, and occupational health assessments for employers and insurance companies
These exams and evaluations are designed exclusively for clients who need specialist legal and/or occupational health services
This is What We Do

The following assessments and exams are typically sought when a lawyer is involved and the issue could go to court
An independent medical exam or IME is a physical performed by a medical specialist for a lawyer representing a client in a legal proceeding
IME’S are often initiated as a result of car accidents or other unintended life events that result in potentially litigious outcomes
Plaintiff lawyers often ask a client to undergo an IME to establish a client’s physical limitations in order to make a case for compensation and/or damages
Prosecution lawyers often ask plaintiffs to undergo IME’s to limit or deny the above
Independent medical exams vary but all of them involve an evaluation of medical as well as relevant non-medical contributory factors impacting an examinee’s medical status
A specialist doctor will establish the nature of any physical limitation, how that limitation affects an individual’s day-to-day life and then provides a prognosis for recovery ie: Is the limitation temporary, long-term or permanent?
This exam could include an assessment of any part of a client’s physical health including, but not limited to, cardiovascular, pulmonary, orthopaedic or nervous system-related impacts
Following the exam the physician writes a report which goes to the lawyer
This logical, accurate, impartial fact-based analysis is the basis for a medical-legal document
An individual who has initiated a personal injury claim against ICBC following a car accident, or a patient suing a doctor for medical malpractice
An independent psychiatric evaluation or IPE is an exam performed by a psychiatrist to assess the mental health of a client in a legal proceeding
Independent psychiatric evaluations help lawyers figure out a client’s mental limitations so they can sue for damages or compensation
A psychiatrist reviews the plaintiffs/defendants medical history, interviews the client, completes a series of mental health tests and establishes the nature of any limitation
A detailed report outlining a diagnosis, recommendations for returning to work and possible treatment options is delivered to the lawyer
In this type of evaluation, there is no client doctor relationship it is a one time only consult
An individual involved in a car accident who now suffers from PTSD
A functional capacity evaluation or FCE is a physical exam that helps lawyers determine how an injury or accident has affected their client, and if the individual can return to the life they had prior to the disabling event
A kinesiologist, occupational therapist or physiotherapist assesses an injured client’s range of motion, physical strength, flexibility and stamina and other physical metrics including muscle mass, grip strength, back, knee and neck rotation and reflexes
Part of the FCE could include workplace simulations where an employee replicates actions performed on the job
For example, going up and down ladders, hand motions required for washing dishes, walking with weights, fine motor skills testing, tasks which rely on manual dexterity, coordination and so on
This evaluation does not assess system-related medical issues like a client’s cardiovascular, pulmonary or orthopaedic health
An individual involved in a rear end car collision who sustains a severe knee injury and who needs their limitations assessed in order to return to work
A cost of future care assessment or COFC helps a lawyer determine the long-term costs of care and accommodation required to manage an injured client, or a client suffering from an ongoing chronic condition
The specialist kinesiologist, occupational therapist or physiotherapist performs a full review of an individual’s lifetime needs and the costs associated with treatment, services and equipment
Common factors evaluated include, lost income, cost of medications, cost of special devices & equipment, physiotherapy, attendant care, home care, house work and transportation
Often times courtroom judges may disagree with the claims made in court by lawyers
An individual who has suffered a brain contusion in a car accident and is permanently taking anti-convulsion meds
NOTE: All of our physicians, psychiatrists, physiotherapists, occupational therapists and kinesiologists are well versed in courtroom procedures
They understand their duties and obligations and know how to assist the court in preparing medical-legal reports
We also provide expert testimony at mediation, arbitration and tribunals
Fees are based on the BCMA or CPT Guidelines
The following assessments and exams are typically sought out when an employer or insurance company wants to establish if and how an employee’s physical limitations can be accommodated in the workplace
A workplace assessment is a “big picture” evaluation of an employee’s workplace
It attempts to establish if an employee’s specific physical limitations can be accommodated within the existing environment
A certified kinesiologist observes how the employee interacts with the workspace, establishes whether or not there is legitimate problem and what, if anything, can be done to accommodate the employee
Workplace assessments typically deal with individuals, but often solutions end up benefiting the well-being of all employees
A factory worker claiming that noise levels are triggering migraine headaches
An ergonomic assessment or EA is a “small picture” evaluation done to help employees experiencing specific physical issues related to their workspace
A specialist doctor goes on-site, identifies/confirms potential/existing ergonomic hazards and suggests ways to configure the workspace to make it more conducive for staff
Typical ergonomic hazards include: Improperly adjusted workstations and chairs, the height, angle and brightness of computer monitors, jobs involving frequent repetitive or awkward movements, jobs where you sit for long periods, push and pull jobs and so on
Ergonomic assessments are often carried out for office workers
An online CBC journalist who has developed carpal tunnel syndrome working at a computer
A file review or FR helps determine an employee’s limitations and needs without having to do a full independent medical exam
They are used to resolve non-complicated situations where an employer needs a quick medical opinion related to an employee’s workplace limitations
A coal miner with a facial skin condition who needs to know if the use of a plastic oxygen mask will aggravate the skin condition
An occupational health-related independent medical exam is similar to a medical-legal IME except the end goal is different
Occupational health-related IME’s help employers or insurance companies accommodate employees with physical limitations in a workplace setting rather than supporting a legal claim
Typically the employer is trying to establish if the employee can return to their previous position and if so under what conditions?
A commercial airline pilot dealing with depression
A heavy equipment crane operator who has an injured neck and has trouble sitting in the crane cab